As a follow up to yesterday's post, here's some info on the by election results
BATANG AI won by BN - MAJORITY : 1,854
I find Datuk Seri Nizar fascinating as a leader. Really.
Let's put aside our political difference here and just look at him as a person.
Not only is he a UK graduate engineer and have worked on big development projects in Malaysia, Europe, Australia and the Middle East, he speaks Mandarin and Tamil and he does his community work at the mosques and with numerous NGOs. He with his wife have raised 8 children with strong Islamic values. The first 4 kids have graduated as Syariah lawyer and Tahfiz. Doesn't that say a lot about a man? I think he is a Superman for being a well-rounded leader. Nak jadi pemimpin, mestilah jadi pemimpin / Imam dalam keluarga dulu kan. I see him as a role model for aspiring leaders.

NIZAR'S BUNCH. 8 kids!! And all raised with Islamic values. If I had an anak dara I would pinang one of his sons for my daughter. Hahaha. Aku tabik pada Nizar dan isteri. Serius!!! (Picture credit : prk059.pas.org.my)
My ex schoolmate, HALIDZA (she wants to remain anonymous but I told her I'm still mentioning her name here) had the privilege of reporting to Datuk Seri Nizar when he was serving at UDA. When I found out about it, I asked her on Facebook what it was like to be working with Datuk Seri Nizar. I can still remember her honest reply.
She said in response to my question - an excerpt from my FB status update comment by Halidza:
Yup. Engr Nizar ws head of ops for Dayabumi & Pusat Islam. Phew... Hw do u descr a good, pious,incredibly intellignt man in a few words...What does that say to you? I rest my case! And thanks HALIDZA for sharing your thoughts.