Hello.. check your facts will ya? If you still think that eggs will raise your cholesterol, you would be subscribing to the research done in the 60’s or the 70’s or you could be living in the Ice Age. Eggs have endured bad press far too long and I want to do my part in setting the records straight.
Eggs happen to be my favouritest food and there is a good reason for that. Heck, I’ll give you 8!
Reason #1
You can boil ‘em, poach ‘em or fry ‘em quickly. It’s the healthiest fast food.
Reason #2
It’s the cheapest source of protein. Go to the supermarket and compare prices with chicken and fish.
Reason #3
Eggs provide a number of heart healthy nutrients, such as folate, vitamins E and B12, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for good eye health. Eggs also contain vitamins D and A, iron, phosphorus and zinc. (source: www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news)
Reason #4
It is an excellent source of choline, essential for normal function of cells and for early brain development. Eggs are brain food! (info from National Academy of Sciences USA 1998)
Reason #5
Eggs actually lower the risk of heart disease. COOL! Thanks to this substance called betaine. (info from Archives of Internal Medicine Sept 11 2000)
Reason #6
One egg has little total fat - just five grams, of which 1.5 grams is saturated and 3.5 grams is healthy unsaturated fat. (info from Alterni Times 10/2006)
Reason #7
Eggs are nature’s perfect food, containing every known nutrient except vitamin C.
Reason #8
The Harvard School of Public Health's research showed the dietary cholesterol in eggs does not have a negative effect on blood cholesterol levels of healthy people. (info from Alterni Times 10/2006)
There you have them! Oh, if you can, try to get kampong eggs. They are organic because they are produced by free range chickens so kampong eggs are far superior than the commercially available ones. Kampong eggs are also free of hormones, steroids and antibiotics. (info from Alterni Times 10/2006) . The thing is, they lack proper supply and pricey too :-(

So folks, enjoy your eggs. I like mine soft boiled with soft to medium yolk. Sedap giler! And no, I don't own a chicken farm. Not yet anyway :-)