My hubby's Apple lappy got stolen from his car in Kelana Jaya recently. Kesian Sham. I suspect that a pro did this using a laptop battery detector with a some sort of a master remote control to unlock the car.

Do you have any idea how we could avoid our lappies be detected by the thingy? Yes it is very leceh to take the lappy around. Especially when you really have to do quick grocery shopping after work, before getting home (this usually applies to working mommies). Takkan kena hangkut lappy gak? So the leceh one. Since the lappy I'm using is company property I'd better not risk it!
If you have useful tips on avoiding detection, keeping the lappy safe etc, please share them okay..
1) Use a teeter lock
2) Get laptop insurance
3) Use Nettop instead of laptop.. it's cheaper, and ultra portable to carry around
4) Leave it at home/office !
eee..horor yea... sometimes i too leave laptop in the boot. musnt do dat. huh...
Laptop detector tu memang wujud kak. Boleh beli dari Taiwan. Dia boleh detect apa-apa alat elektronik (laptop, handphone, ipod, psp dsb) yang bukan sebahagian dari sistem elektronik yang ada dipasang pada kereta (contohnya engine management system, alarm dsb).Setakat ni saya tak berapa tau kalau-kalau ada alat yang boleh 'jam' detector macam tu. Kalau simpan dalam boot pun dia boleh detect. Jadi saya nasihatkan kepada kakak agar jangan sekali-kali tinggalkan peralatan elektronik yang mahal-mahal ni dalam kereta. Memang melecehkan tetapi saya rasa keselamatan diri itu lagi penting.
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