Holy Cow! It has been THAT long since my last post. Yes I've been real busy lately.
Lately too, I've been noticing that Imran has progressed substantially these few months and I'm simply ecstatic!
As you may know, Imran is autistic and he goes to public school with a special education department. He's turning 9this year. Of course it would be unfair for me to compare him to a normal kid his age. So you need to understand that he is learning at his own pace.
He hasn't been going to speech and occupational therapies for over a year now. Partly because Sham and I have gotten too busy. Partly also because it's frustrating to see different therapist each time we go for our appointments. Imran gets agitated and uncooperative when he sees a different therapist. It is difficult for him to adapt to change, you see.
So, we have been sending Imran for bio resonance therapy at this naturopathy clinic in PJ. The clinic is run by this amazing family who provides naturopathy healthcare. Yes they charge a substantially for their services but they give back to the underprivileged by giving FREE therapy to special kids. Fantastic!
Through bio resonance, Imran is detoxified and healed. Alopathic practitioners (your usual GPs) will not recognise the benefits of naturopathy and claim that the effects of bio resonance are unsubstantiated. Well, that's too bad because the therapies that Imran has undergone are showing results!! On top of that, the homeopathic remedies that Dr. Chem (a wonderful family friend) recommended have made a big difference as well.
Having a special child also means that you need to give him more attention. So, an abundance of attention (I think he is still lacking that, since I'm working. But I'm trying my best in managing my time) and prayers for Imran has tremendously helped him.
As I have said in my earlier posts, I do not have high expectations. All I want is for him to be happy, independent, self-sufficient and love Allah and His Beloved Ones. And I truly hope I will be around to see my beautiful Imran achieve all that.
Lately too, I've been noticing that Imran has progressed substantially these few months and I'm simply ecstatic!
As you may know, Imran is autistic and he goes to public school with a special education department. He's turning 9this year. Of course it would be unfair for me to compare him to a normal kid his age. So you need to understand that he is learning at his own pace.
He hasn't been going to speech and occupational therapies for over a year now. Partly because Sham and I have gotten too busy. Partly also because it's frustrating to see different therapist each time we go for our appointments. Imran gets agitated and uncooperative when he sees a different therapist. It is difficult for him to adapt to change, you see.
So, we have been sending Imran for bio resonance therapy at this naturopathy clinic in PJ. The clinic is run by this amazing family who provides naturopathy healthcare. Yes they charge a substantially for their services but they give back to the underprivileged by giving FREE therapy to special kids. Fantastic!
Through bio resonance, Imran is detoxified and healed. Alopathic practitioners (your usual GPs) will not recognise the benefits of naturopathy and claim that the effects of bio resonance are unsubstantiated. Well, that's too bad because the therapies that Imran has undergone are showing results!! On top of that, the homeopathic remedies that Dr. Chem (a wonderful family friend) recommended have made a big difference as well.
Having a special child also means that you need to give him more attention. So, an abundance of attention (I think he is still lacking that, since I'm working. But I'm trying my best in managing my time) and prayers for Imran has tremendously helped him.
As I have said in my earlier posts, I do not have high expectations. All I want is for him to be happy, independent, self-sufficient and love Allah and His Beloved Ones. And I truly hope I will be around to see my beautiful Imran achieve all that.
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