Monday, November 10, 2008


Yeah it's a matter of time till I start my own blog.
I've been thinking about it and thought "heck why not do it now?".
The blog page design isnt exactly what I fancy but it will do for now until I learn ( and find the time) to tweak the layout and whatnot.
I used to be an extrovert, interesting person. But I have evolved into an introvert person that I am now. The good thing about being introvert is that I'm more observant and patient (though I MUST continuously improve to be even more patient, knowing that I have an extremely short fuse!). I'm not too sure about "interesting" though. Hahaha!
I'll try to update this blog with my observation and my perspective of life -- as often as possible, okay.
Feel free to share your views!


Babysmooches said...

welcome to the blogsphere, Norlinar! :-D

mc_blog said...

Babes! Always thought you blogger la.. will bookmark you and read it religiously!

Take care babes...

Nor said...

Thanks Sharon and Mike for the words of encouragement!

Lizza Abdul Rahim said...

You go girl!!..jom blogging hari², sebab kita 'tak dak masa' nak we blogging ok! After rhymes huhuhu

Anonymous said...

Ah yoooh...wat've I done?