Friday, September 18, 2009

Time flies!

What! Is it the Eid already?
It's sad to leave Ramadhan, especially when you feel you haven't done enough ibadah.
And it's hard to say good bye to Ramadhan when you don't know if you will live long enough to see the next Ramadhan.

On top of that, due to the busy weekends I haven't been getting the Eid preparations done. Now that I'm thinking about it, what is there to prepare? Not much, except that we the offsprings will be helping out at Mak's house tomorrow.

Alamak, Raya also means that I will discover whether my Raya scheduling strategy will make or break! AYIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I truly hope those late nights of strat prep work and months of presentations being shot down and revised all over again will pay off. God, please make it happen for me.

Anyway, last weekend some of us "Feel Good Rebels" visited Tengku Nurul who delivered a bouncing baby girl, Raniya, in July. Aiya, I didnt snap any pics on my phone. But I sempat took pictures of the Mahkamah Jalan Duta building, thanks to Santhana who was with me in my Swift. On our way to Nurul's condo, we passed by the Mahkamah and San spotted weird buntings on the columns of the building. So I made it a point to stop by and take pictures on our way out after visiting Nurul and Raniya. It's just too hilarious not to share! Here you go.

Now, what do you think the government is trying to say here? Is the message directed to the staff or the visitors? Go figure :-)

Okay gotta go now and leave the house for some long outstanding errands with Imran.

BTW. Please make some effort to visit the underprivileged this Raya and extend some help to them, okay. My sis told me in Iran, people rush over to the needy right after solat sunat 'Idul Fitri, to help ease their burden. Isnt it wonderful? Islam really encourages community-living and this is definitely the way to go. Thing is in Malaysia, most people have become too individualistic, self-centred and absorbed in consumerism - so much so that they forget about their social responsibility. And that is really, really sad, folks.

I truly hope that each of us will acknowledge this problem and make an effort to make a difference this time.

Selamat Hari Raya 'IdulFitri!
Have a safe celebration with your loved ones and be careful on the road.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Joy of Living the Joy of GIVING.
This Ramadhan, I hope you will join me in making a big difference and experience the joy of giving.I'm on a mission to raise donations amounting to RM3,300 to purchase 6 double decker beds (c/w mattresses and pillows) for 12 orphans to sleep comfortably at Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi located in Batu 3 Jalan Kapar Klang.
I must admit this is a tall order but I have faith that with your help, we can achieve this together.If you're interested to make a big difference, please call or text me at 019.228.3511 before 10 September. We can arrange for either me to collect your donation or for you to transfer your contribution into my MBB account (you need to sms me when the transfer is done and state the amount too because I have to ensure the correct amount when I tally up the donations)
Should you intend for your contribution to be your zakat, please specify the type of zakat (zakat pendapatan or simpanan etc) since I will make the specific akad with the orphanage administrator on your behalf.
Should your require a receipt for your contribution for your tax returns , I can arrange for that too. Just give me your full name and IC no (in addition to your donation ^_^). I'm visiting the orphanage this weekend and will update you on the progress of the donation drive.As of now (Fri 4 Sept 1am), the amount stands at RM1,140. So I have another RM2,160 to collect.
I hope I have your support for a worthy cause.To you who have donated and to you who intend to donate, may Almighty God reward your compassion and generosity with His Love and Blessings.
Have a peaceful and blessed Ramadhan.